Well everyone, the time has come… it’s moving week!
Although we aren’t making the drive up to Michigan for another few weeks, we are moving out of our condo in just two short days. Whoa.  It is safe to say I have a lot left to do and not a lot of time to do it in.
I owe a HUGE thank you to a group of friends who came over this weekend to help us pack, and I know I will owe a few more to my family after I make it out and over to my parents’ house in the near future.
Countdown to Moving 1 Week
The biggest stress left on our TO-DO list has been finding a new place to live.  The home we were close to signing got rented over the weekend, while Scott was here in Orlando.  Total bummer.
I am hoping and praying that we can avoid keeping our stuff in storage, because it doesn’t make sense to me to have to move it more than once.  Will we be able to pull something out of the woodwork by next week?
Here’s hoping!
(Less Than) 1 Week To Go
Staying true to my word, I am not going to spend much time posting this week.  Considering this is the state of our house at the moment, it is pretty clear that I have a decent amount of work ahead of me.
Packing and moving
Utter chaos.  The cats think the house is a giant jungle gym of boxes purposely set up for their entertainment, while Roadie just sits and looks around… a lot.  He is so confused.
Moving out chaos
We dropped Scott off at the airport for Detroit on Sunday, and I know this stretch of time is going to be the most difficult.  We are both feeling overwhelmed, out of place, and simply trying to push through the insanity before our big drive up on the twelfth.
In case you are not quite sure what needs to be done at the one week mark before moving, here is a list of what I have been up to and what will be consuming the majority of the next few days.
*Also see Moving Checklists: 2 Weeks To Go3 Weeks To Go and 4 Weeks To Go for more packing and moving organization ideas.
Moving Checklist 1 Week
Oh boy… the movers.  Is that another story! Because of Scott’s recent travels, the process of confirming a company has taken a lot longer than we thought.  I was told to have the place packed up and ready to go by Friday, just in case he pulls the trigger and hires one of our back-ups.  Yes, even being that last minute, it could very well happen!
I have gathered our personal valuables and will be taking them with me to my parents’ house, and then we will be carrying them with us on the drive up.
As for the last-out, first-in box… I’m all over it.
Moving Checklist 1 Week Last-Out First-In Box checklist
I purchased everything below for an even $8 at the dollar store so we don’t have to scramble around trying to unpack right away.
Last-Out First-In Box for moving
I will be getting everything else together for it the day before, which I guess might be tomorrow. Weird!
As much as we have gotten done, I know I will be working hard to pull everything together to be ready to go.  Believe it or not, this room used to be filled top-to-bottom and used for storage.
Not anymore…
Moving boxes
I will be sure to keep you updated on what is going on, but as far as I know I am moving out of the condo in two days.
After spending two straight hours rolling our nice glasses in bubble wrap, I am getting a bit nervous about getting everything done in time.
Packing up glasses and dishes
Two hours… is there something wrong with me?
cat cartoon
I have a feeling my “pretty wrapping” strategy will turn into throwing whatever wherever pretty soon…. 😉


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