How to Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day:

Having great weather on your moving day is a big plus. If you are moving during the off season for moving (that's from AFTER Labor Day until the early spring, in many parts of the US), prices will be lower. However, you run a pretty good chance of not having good weather on your moving day. Here are some steps you can take to make the move a success and to protect your belongings.


  1. Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day Step 1 Version 2.jpg
    Keep track of the weather reports during the week before your move. If bad weather is expected, be sure you know about it! Also be sure to stay in touch with your moving company. Bad weather can affect their schedule. If snow is expected, the chances are that there will be delays. It's important to be aware of this and to be prepared.
  2. Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day Step 2 Version 2.jpg
    If you know that there will be rain or snow, then you will want to protect your belongings. You will want to make sure that the weather won't damage your furniture. If you are preparing your belongings for your move, then you might want to consider either plastic wrapping or shrink wrapping all of your furniture. All movers will blanket wrap your furniture, but that will not protect it from the weather. Moving blankets are not water proofed. If the movers need to plastic wrap or shrink wrap anything, they will charge you for it. It's much cheaper to do it yourself. The materials that you need are not expensive. All you will need are both some large prices of heavy duty plastic, shrink wrap and masking tape. Use a heavy duty plastic masking tape to seal the plastic.
    • One item that under any circumstance you should be sure to plastic wrap is your mattress, even if you are moving in the best of weather. Since you sleep on your mattress, it is important to keep it as clean and as fresh possible. If the mattress gets damp or wet it can be seriously damaged or even get moldy. You want to protect your health and your belongings. The movers will use clean and dry moving blankets, but there is no way to guarantee that the are cleaned after every single move. So, protect yourself by protecting your mattress and box spring properly.
  3. Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day Step 3 Version 2.jpg
    Boxes can be damaged very easily by the rain and snow so be sure to protect them well. First, use only clean and strong boxes for your packing. Use smaller boxes for anything that is heavy such as books. Use larger boxes for light items only. You might want to consider using only laminated boxes, since they will already offer some protection from any kind of humidity. Be sure to build the boxes properly and seal them well on the top and bottom with heavy duty plastic masking tape. Use boxes that are either the size of an average microwave and no bigger that a dormitory refrigerator. Make sure each box is properly labeled about what room it is from,what it contains and if it contains fragile items. If there is a chance for bad weather on your moving day, consider shrink wrapping the boxes before hand.
  4. Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day Step 4 Version 2.jpg
    If it snowed before your moving day or is snowing on that day, make sure that your street has been cleared of snow and is open to traffic, otherwise the moving truck will never be able to get to you. Be sure that all paths such as sidewalks and steps are clear of snow.It is important so that the movers can easily get in and out of your home. If they are cleared also be sure there is no ice. You don't want the movers to get hurt or have your belongings damaged. Remember that many items in your home will be moved around and into the moving truck using dollies and hand carts.If yours is a local move where the pick up and delivery are on the same day, then it is important that to make sure that the same steps are taken at your new location. If your move is a long distance move to a location where the weather might not be good, then be sure to keep track of the weather at the destination.
  5. Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day Step 5 Version 2.jpg
    As each item is removed from your home, double check it to see that it is properly protected from the weather. When everything is being unloaded and placed in your new location, recheck everything for possible damage. # Be sure to stay in touch with the dispatcher at your moving company. Since the weather can affect to moving trucks schedule, you will want to be updated. It is better that the truck takes a little more time to get to you in bad weather and both the moving truck, the movers and your belongings are safe.
  6. Move on a Rainy or Snowy Day Step 6 Version 2.jpg
    Take photos to document the shape your boxes were in prior to the move (this is valuable information to obtain regardless of weather conditions.) If you notice any boxes damaged after delivery, document it along with the possessions inside.


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