Top 5 Tips: How to Live With Your Parents Again:

  • Teenager at home

Going back to the room you had as a teenager will be a new experience for you now!
Are you thinking about moving back in with your parents? Whether that is after college, a breakup, divorce, with a baby or a family, at the age of 30, 40 or any other age, because you want to save money, you don’t have a job, you want to take care of your elderly parents, or for any other reason, here you will find useful tips to help you take the decision to move and also help you cope once you have relocated back to your parents’ home. Moving back into your parents house may not be your biggest dream or wish right now, but even if it is something that you want very much, there are a few things to consider before the move; things that will make your relocation easier for everyone. Is moving back in with parents a good idea? Check out these 5 great tips on moving back into your parents’ house.

Tips on Moving Back in With Parents

Set some rules for everyone. On the one hand, you may not be a little girl or a little boy any more, and your parents need to understand that. Ask them to knock on your door before entering and if there are other things which you need, make your requests. It will help your parents understand you. On the other hand, be considerate of your parents’ feelings, too. That is leaving your room a total mess and not helping out with the housework may not be very good ideas. Discuss with your parents what their expectations are for your stay at their house or apartment so everyone is clear and happy with them.
Be clear about who needs what.Since you are no longer a kid, talk about money with your parents. May be they cannot afford to pay off your car loan and need you to participate in the expenses that every home and family has. Don’t be shy to have this conversation with your parents as well. Being clear about everyone’s duties and responsibilities will help both you and them to feel comfortable. It is OK to be honest and upfront with your parents.

Perhaps you won't feel like getting calls from your folks every five minutes, just because it's past midnight and you're not home yet. So, set some ground rules!
Set the clock. You need motivation to make a step into the direction that you want. That is be clear about why you are moving back home with your parents and how long you’re going to be staying there. Discuss this with them so they are clear with your goal and can be supportive. Do you just need some place to stay for a few months before university starts or do you want to stay until you find the right job for you?
Keep your life. Keep your friends, hobbies, interests, etc. – pretty much everything you liked doing before moving back to parents’ house. Most likely you’ve gotten out of the habit of living with your folks so sticking to things that you regularly do will help you gradually make the transition between living on your own/ in college/ with roommates/ etc. to living with mum and dad again. Perhaps your mum will be worried if you’re not back home by 3 a.m. Your parents may need time to get used to seeing the new you after you have lived away for a while, so give them some time to get to know your new way of life.
Get advantage of the opportunity.May be it is the way your mum can put stains off clothes or the way your dad uses his tools, but try to have fun and learn new things. Try to find some benefits of moving back with parents, especially if this is the last thing you wanted, and for sure you will spot many. If you had other plans, don’t be sad, make the best of where you are while working your way towards your goal.

Organize a party with your friends before moving to your parents' home to collect some more good memories!
How to Organize the Moving Process

Moving back home with your parents has pros and cons and this is exactly why it will be useful for you to prepare the moving process. Are you moving after university or after losing a job? It matters because life will have been different. Living in a dorm is one thing, living in a house or apartment with other people is another, and living with roommate(s) – still other. How many things do you have that you want to move to your parents’ home and which ones will fit?

You don’t need to take everything – do you really need two toasters, two vacuum cleaners or two microwaves when living with your folks? Discuss with them what to take. Perhaps their vacuum broke and you could bring in yours. If there isn’t enough room for everything you want to take to your parents’ place, discuss with them if there will be any room in the garage, basement, attic, etc. Or just think about the possibility of using storage. If your stay will be a short one, like a few weeks or months, this means that you will soon need to have your things back so maybe selling them won’t be a good idea. On the other hand, if you plan to move to your parents’ home for a longer period of time like a year or more, then you could consider selling some things you won’t need, like larger furniture, for example, which would take lots of space. In any case, consider getting a few quotes from movers – never ask for only one! And then compare the movers before taking a decision to hire a particular moving company. Organize a moving party before leaving your home and heading for your parents’ place so you could leave it with some nice memories. Be open to the experience of living with your parents again and try to make the most of it.

  • Move to parents home


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