How to Move Out of Your Parents’ House in 13 Easy Steps

So you’ve decided to leave the nest? Congratulations! Moving out of your parents’ house is a big deal. It’s a process that requires plenty of careful planning, consideration and “adulting” (as they say). To help you successfully move out of your parents’ home, we’ve put together 13 easy steps that are sure to help you achieve the independence you want. Good luck and happy moving! Step One: Communicate with your parents Perhaps your parents are ready to see you go and have been encouraging your departure for a while. Or perhaps, they want you to stay forever. Whatever their opinion on the matter, it’s important to clearly communicate your intentions to them – and, if necessary, your moving plan. Remember: even if they are excited for your new adventure, they could still be somewhat sad to see you go. With this in mind, make sure to be extra sensitive to their needs and emotions when communicating your move out plans. Step Two: Develop a move out plan Before moving ...