How to pack trophies when moving:

Your residential move has just been confirmed, and you’re about to take the preliminary exploration tour around your home with the purpose of deciding which household items you will take with you to the new residence, and which ones you will leave behind. You’ve read some good moving tips and you know perfectly well that moving only the things you will need in the future can save you both plenty of money and a staggering amount of time. And it’s in that very moment that you suddenly catch a glimpse of your trophy cabinet. And no, it’s not a display of your hunting trophies from animals you’ve KILLED in the past – rather, it’s a proud display of the trophies, awards, plaques, medals, cups, and prizes you’ve WON through the years. Now, a couple of critical questions pop up in your head with the speed of light: 1) Is it worth moving all the trophies you own? 2) How to pack trophies when moving so that they survive the relocation trip in one piece? Read on to get familiar with the best t...