There can be no denying that moving from one home to another is always something that delivers some level of stress. It’s tough to admit, but if we are going to be perfectly honest with ourselves, we bring on a lot of that stress on our own. The highest level of anxiety usually comes with packing side of the move, which is the one thing that is almost always left to the last minute. What’s ironic is that all of the other details are deemed worthy enough to be planned weeks or months in advance, yet arguably the most important part of the whole process is left to the very end. If you know that you are going to move in the near future and have some time before it takes place, why not start packing now? While it may seem odd to be boxing things up when the moving truck isn’t due for months, you will be glad you did it when the big day finally arrives. The big question you have at this point is where to begin, and the answer is in fact quite simple. Start packing up those items ...